Adoption by Public and Private Organisations

With the rapid development of internet economy and smart city over the past few years, government expects that "iAM Smart", together with other digital facilities such as 5G communications, can bring about breakthrough for the digital transformation of the whole society, in particular for commercial organisations which are closely related to the public's daily life and work. DPO will actively facilitate public and private organisations, including local I&T companies as well as small-and-medium-sized information technology enterprises, to adopt "iAM Smart" platform in their online services and also to bring new service experiences to the public through digitalization.
Benefits of adopting "iAM Smart":
  • Optimize the enterprise's online service flow
  • Enhance the transaction experience for customers
  • Strengthen the competitive edge
  • Seize the development opportunities brought by the Internet economy and smart cities
Interested parties can visit the "iAM Smart" Sandbox website to understand the system and technical settings, in order to get prepared for adoption of "iAM Smart".
  • In collaboration with Cyberport, DPO is implementing an "iAM Smart" Sandbox Programme ("Sandbox") for public and private organisations to conduct mock-up tests and integration tests on the API functions in order to get better prepared for the adoption of "iAM Smart".
  • The Sandbox is now open to companies/organisations of the business sectors shown below.
Financial Sector
Information and Communications
Technology ("ICT") Sector
Healthcare Sector
Education Sector
Culture Sector
Sports Sector
Tourism Sector
Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) and Licensed Money Service Operators (MSOs) under AMLO and Licensed Money Lenders mentioned in the Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Requirements for Licensed Money Lenders
Accounting Sector
Legal Sector
Transport and Logistics Sector
Charity Sector
Property Management Sector
  • DPO will extend the adoption of "iAM Smart" APIs to the online services of other business sectors progressively and make announcements on this website accordingly.
  • For enquiries on Sandbox and the application procedures, please visit the Sandbox website ( or contact Cyberport by email at