iAM Smart - Cross-boundary Public Services


To use the government services of Guangdong Province, "iAM Smart" users need to register the "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account and bind it with "iAM Smart" account, please prepare:
Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents
Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents
Mainland Mobile Number which can receive SMS
Mainland China mobile number to receive SMS
Download WeChat App and complete the registration
Install "WeChat" App and complete the registration
If you already have a "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account, please refer to the document below for binding the "Authentication Platform" account with "iAM Smart" account.

"Guangdong Government Service Network" (Website)(Simplified Chinese only) "Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) (Simplified Chinese only)
If you do not have a "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account, please refer to the document below for registering the "Authentication Platform" account and binding it with "iAM Smart" account.

"Guangdong Government Service Network" (Website)(Simplified Chinese only)"Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) (Simplified Chinese only)
If you have not registered for "iAM Smart", you may click here for the details of registration method.


Visit the "Cross-border Public Services" thematic webpage of the "Guangdong Government Service Network" and click the "Login" button
Click the "iAM Smart" button on the "User Login" page
Login to the "iAM Smart" mobile app and click the "Scan QR Code" button to scan the QR code on the page
Finish logging in to the "Cross-border Public Services" thematic webpage and click the "灣區9市發布事項" to select the required service
Login to "iAM Smart" mobile app and click " Yue Sheng Shi" to open the "Yue Sheng Shi" mobile app
Click the "Continue" button
Successfully login "Yue Sheng Shi", then click "Service"
Click "Topic" - "Cross-boundary Public Services" on the "Service" page
Enter the "Cross-boundary Public Services" portal and select the required service

Service Catalogue

Users need to register an account with the "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" and bind it to their "iAM Smart" account in order to access the "Cross-boundary Public Services".:
"e-ME" Form Filling
Personalised Notifications
Digital Signing
"Cross-boundary Public Services" [1]
[1] When using "iAM Smart" to access the "Cross-boundary Public Services", "iAM Smart" system will pass a "system identifier" to the "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" for the identity authentication purpose, without using any personal information.

Frequently Asked Questions

If further assistance is needed in the use of "iAM Smart", please click here to refer to the FAQ on the main page.

Resources Centre

User Guide
Login and bind authentication platform account
If you already have a "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account, please refer to

"Guangdong Government Service Network" (Website)(Simplified Chinese only) "Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) (Simplified Chinese only)
Register and bind the authentication platform account
If you do not have a "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account, please refer to

"Guangdong Government Service Network" (Website)(Simplified Chinese only)"Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) (Simplified Chinese only)


If you encounter problems when using the "Guangdong Government Service Network" or "Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事), you may make enquiries through the below channels provided by the Guangdong Provincial Government.
  1. "Guangdong Government Service Network" - 智能諮詢 (Simplified Chinese only)
  2. 「智能助手」function in "Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) (Simplified Chinese only)
  3. Service Hotline (+86) 12345
If you encounter problems in binding the "Unified Identity Authentication Platform of Guangdong Province" account with "iAM Smart" and accessing "Guangdong Government Service Network" or "Yue Sheng Shi" (粵省事) through "iAM Smart", you may make enquiries through the below channels.
  1. "iAM Smart"
  2. Email enquiry@iamsmart.gov.hk
  3. Service Hotline (+852) 182 123